Social Distancing Practices

As cities and states across the country prepare to reopen (us too!), we wanted to give you some insight on what we’re doing to keep you safe, what to expect when you come fishing with us, and what you can do to keep yourself and others safe while fishing.
Prior to your trip: Please pre-pay for your trip, including fishing licenses if you need them. You can do this over the phone or online. If you need a fishing license, we will need your last name as it appears on your driver’s license and date of birth.
In our store: Please follow the markings on the floor to enter and exit our retail/check-in space. Please only have one member of your party to come in to check-in for the trip. You are more than welcome to browse (and buy!) our retail, but please ask an employee for assistance when looking for specific sizes. There is plexiglass separating customers and employees in place in the store. Hand sanitizer dispensers are located in two places in the store for your use. All employees and customers are required to wear masks in the store. We will have Tahoe Sport Fishing branded, reusable, UV protection Buffs available for purchase soon.
On the Boats: We will have hand sanitizer dispensers on the boat for your use. We will also have disposable gloves for you if you choose to use them. Please listen to the captains and their placements of your group to maintain a 6-foot distance as much as possible. Employees will wear face coverings when in close proximity to guests and guests are required to wear masks at this time as well. Our boats and equipment will be sanitized after every trip.
Employee Standards: The health of our employees will be evaluated prior to each shift. Any employee showing signs of illness will not be allowed to work. Any employee that becomes ill during a shift will be sent home.
We are very close to reopening and are looking forward to getting back on the water with you! We would love to hear if you have any concerns regarding your safety and our reopening process. This will be an ever-changing process in the next few months and we appreciate your support and cooperation.
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” ~ Henry Ford