Getting to Know Captain Sammy

We’ve got a pretty great team here at Tahoe Sport Fishing. And we’re giving you the chance to learn a little about your potential Captain before getting out on the water. Or perhaps you’ve already been out with them and want to learn more, either way, we’ve got the answers to the fishing questions and some quirky personal ones as well. Next up, Captain Sammy Garcia.
- Q: How long have you worked for Tahoe Sport Fishing?
- A: 8 years.
- Q: How many different positions have you had at TSF?
- A: I’ve worked as a Deckhand and now a Captain.
- Q: Favorite place to fish on the lake?
- A: The southwest corner of Lake Tahoe looking out at Mt. Tallac.
- Q: Favorite fish to eat?
- A: Raw cod.
- Q: What’s your biggest catch ever? And your biggest catch in Lake Tahoe?
- A: My biggest ever was a 200 lb. Goliath Grouper in the Florida Keys. And my biggest Tahoe catch was a 18 lb. mackinaw.
- Q: What do you like to do when you’re not fishing?
- A: Disc Golf!
- Q: What kind of music do you like to play on the boat?
- A: Whatever gets the fish to bite! From Cyndi Lauper, to Taylor Swift, to Tom Petty.
- Q: Favorite restaurant in Lake Tahoe?
- A: MacDuffs – they’ll even cook the fish you catch on a Tahoe Sport Fishing charter for you!
- Q: What is your top Tahoe recommendation?
- A: Drive around the lake as slowly as your time allows and take your time visiting each spot.
Now that the basics are out of the way, let’s get into some more personal questions! This could or could not give you some insight on our Captains. Let’s see.
- Q: What is your favorite food?
- A: I really like everything.
- Q: How do you take your coffee in the morning?
- A: With a dash of half and half.
- Q: What’s your favorite movie?
- A: The Swiss Family Robinson.
- Q: Where is your favorite place to travel? Or where would you like to most go next?
- A: Back to the Florida Keys to do more fishing!
- Q: What accomplishment are you most proud of?
- A: Getting my Captains license.
- Q: Do you have any pets?
- A: Yes, two chihuahuas. Foxy and Buddy.
If you’re looking to fish on Lake Tahoe with Captain Sammy, give us a call (530.541.5448) or book online. We’re looking forward to a fun summer with everyone!